View the Project on GitHub Gamengday/JADB

Just Another Discord Bot


Setup Guide

When the bot has been added, it can be a little confusing! This guide should help you in navigating the bots potential!

  1. Run “r!settings setup” and input all the needed information.
  2. Run “r!settings apps” if you have applications, to add questions. (Optional)
  3. Run “r!ticket setup” to setup the ticket system. (Optional)
  4. Run “r!xp new” to add yourself, and first enable XP, adding new users is just as easy with “r!xp new [user]”! (Optional)
  5. To clear core settings, run “r!settings clear”.


XP Commands:

Admin Commands:

Roblox Commands:

Ticket Commands:

Misc Commands:

#### Verify Commands:

Strike Commands: